During each event there are several people or companies who also make an effort to ensure that the evening or the motorcycle ride goes well. It is not always obvious that this help is given. These people or companies also deserve to be mentioned in the list of credits. It is indicated for each event who did what.
Music at Friday evening
Pictures taken on behalf of organization
Translation to German for Website and official announcements
Matthias Liebsch
Bank administration and location assistant
Route Supervisors
Photo location
Music at Friday evening
Music artist hired by sponsor Euro-Motor
Pictures taken on behalf of organization
Ben Wassink, Raymond van der Hoogt, Jason Daniels, Erwin Wigman
Translation to German for Website and official announcements
Matthias Liebsch
Bank administration and location assistant
Colinda Koen - van den Broek
Route Supervisors
Raymond van der Hoogt, Edwin Renken, Jason Daniels, Floor Brouwers, Bart Brouwers, Jan Ensing, Frans Dumas, Erwin Wigman, Petra in 't Land, Frans Don and
Peter Koen.
Photo location
Music at Friday evening
Erwin Wigman
Pictures taken on behalf of organization
Ben Wassink, Raymond van der Hoogt, Jason Daniels, Erwin Wigman
Translation to German for Website and official announcements
Matthias Liebsch
Bank administration and location assistant
Colinda Koen - van den Broek
Route Supervisors
Raymond van der Hoogt, Jos de Raes, Holger Hannig, Jan Ensing, Noud Willems, Jan Hofman, Sven Carl, Manfred van Laanen, Jan Riekwel, David Browne, Thieu
Pronk, Frans Dumas, Erwin Wigman, Petra in 't Land, Edwin Renken, Frans Don, Rainer Schminke, Michael Goers, Kevin Timmermans, Matthias Liebsch, Matthias Schmidt, Ben Wassink
Traffic Blocker during route
Martin Jansen, Mitchel Jansen
Photo location
Music at Friday evening
Erwin Wigman
Pictures taken on behalf of organization
Ben Wassink, Raymond van der Hoogt, Jason Daniels, Erwin Wigman
Bank administration and location assistant
Colinda Koen - van den Broek
Route Supervisors
Raymond van der Hoogt, Jos de Raes, Noud Willems, Erwin Wigman, Kevin Timmermans, Ben Wassink
Traffic Blocker during route
Martin Jansen, Mitchel Jansen
Photo location